Background: Watching television and using a computer are increasingly common sedentary behaviors. Whether or not prolonged screen time increases the risk for mortality remains uncertain. Study conclusions: In the present study, screen time did not significantly predict mortality from all-causes and diseases of the circulatory system. Source: BMC Public Health HT: Aaron Carroll
Skip to navigation Skip to content Jump to Navigation Medical malpractice and birth injuries On behalf of Tracey Law Firm posted in Medical Malpractice 31 January 2012 Imagine the joyous occasion of the birth of a new child . This is truly a happy occasion , but one that can be tragic when a serious birth injury occurs . Birth injuries can range from scratches or bruises to severe , lifelong . conditions Some birth injuries can be prevented and others cannot . Those that can be prevented are sometimes the result of medical malpractice meaning the negligence of a doctor , nurse , anesthesiologist , or paramedic . And unfortunately , these accidents happen more frequently than many health care providers would care to . admit Roughly six out of every 1,000 babies born in the United States
In addition to its fee increase for visits, which will vary by market, WellPoint will offer primary-care doctors payments for services such as developing treatment plans for patients with chronic diseases. It says physicians will get a chance to make even more if they help pare the overall cost of patients’ care: a bonus amounting [...]
This is from three studies in the latest issue of Health Affairs: If nothing is done, the surge in new cases of diabetes could add an estimated $512 billion to nation’s annual health care spending by the year 2021. Instituting a national program of community-level lifestyle interventions to prevent type 2 diabetes … within twenty-five [...]
Despite besting fourth-quarter financial expectations, pharmaceutical giant Pfizers (PFE) share price took a hit this morning after the worlds largest drug maker dimmed its 2012 outlook due to currency issues. At $21.52 a share, Pfizers stock price fell 0.26% or six cents a share in morning market action. Operating profits reached 50 cents a share, besting [...]
Its a good morning for Eli Lilly & Co. (LLY). Shares of the pharmaceutical giant jumped just over 1% or 44 cents a share to $39.67 a share in morning market action after the company posted bested fourth-quarter financial expectations, reaffirmed guidance for 2012 and disclosed plans to continue testing an experimental Alzheimers drug. As [...]
The President’s 2012 economic policy agenda emphasizes four policy challenges: The loss of American manufacturing employment; America’s dependence on oil; America’s sub-par (my phrase) education and training; and Increasing income inequality. What’s missing is below the fold. The President barely mentions the greatest long-term (and, increasingly, short-term) economic policy challenge we face, the size and [...]
This is from an Institute of Medicine report via Austin Frakt: Indeed, the evidence base on the effectiveness of most health services is sparse. [...] Well-designed, well-conducted studies of the effectiveness of most health care services are the exception, and the available research evidence falls far short of answering many questions that are important to [...]
Why get married? Wedded couples experience few advantages in psychological well-being and social ties, according to a new study at Cornell University. Why you end up paying taxes that are imposed on other people: a very good primer. HT to David Henderson. Study: No obesity link to junk food in schools. It gets worse: School-based [...]
Impressive efforts are increasingly underway to bring together biopharmaceutical research companies, world governments and key non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the global fight against often neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). Today, Reuters has an interesting article on a new effort detailing how biopharmaceutical research companies are cooperating to donate both medicines and scientific know-how in a
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Skip to navigation Skip to content Jump to Navigation 72 file complaint against Plavix manufacturers On behalf of Tracey Law Firm posted in Dangerous Drugs 30 January 2012 Last week , 72 individuals from across the country filed a lawsuit in Louisiana's St . Clair County , alleging that the popular pain killer Plavix caused them to suffer strokes , heart attacks , excessive bleeding , stent replacements and other permanent . injuries The drug , which has been marketed as sort of super aspirin , is used to prevent strokes and heart attacks in patients at risk for these problems . Plavix is considered an antiplatelet medication , and it works by preventing harmful blood clots that may cause heart attacks and strokes . The drug is manufactured by Bristol-Myers Squibb and Sanofi . Aventis The
“The ideal of an ‘American way of life’ is fading as the working class falls further away from institutions like marriage and religion and the upper class becomes more isolated,” writes Charles Murray in The Wall Street Journal. He defines the “white upper middle class” as people age 30-49 with at least a college education [...]
Thanks to my readers, The Goose That Laid the Golden Egg: Accutane, the truth that had to told, is now #1 rated in several nonfiction categories, including the medical categories of research and medical ethics, as well as for
Today, PhRMA announced that we are transferring the future development of our benefit-risk assessment framework to the Centre for Innovation in Regulatory Science. As our press release stresses, this move is intended to further the framework – which we developed over the course of six years from an analytical model to a functional pilot program – so that the principles can be more broadly available for use by all stakeholders, from industry to regulators and healthcare providers.
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The human sex ratio is always slightly male-biased, but in the natural state it rarely goes above 105 male births per 100 female ones… In China’s last mini-census in 2005, the ration was nearly 120 to 100 and in some districts over 150. That this is caused by sex-selective abortion…is proved by a ratio of [...]
Yesterday, the New York Times</em’Well blog posted a commentary on DTC advertising. Although its underlying tone was one of skepticism, it did briefly touch on a couple of useful points.
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Physicians who pack on the pounds discuss weight loss less frequently with obese patients than doctors who have normal weights, a study finds. Overweight and obese physicians expressed greater confidence in prescribing weight-loss drugs than other doctors.
Tens of millions of men have marred life chances because schools are bad at educating boys, because they are not enmeshed in the long-term relationships that instill good habits and because insecure men do stupid and self-destructive things. Over the past 40 years, women’s wages have risen sharply but, as Michael Greenstone and Adam Looney [...]
[National Journal] In an address that barely mentions health care, President Obama hits on the message heard repeatedly from the health care industry: If you want more jobs, don’t cut off federal funding.
Obama implores Congress not to “gut” investments in research, so American can maintain its spot as a world ...
Drug Recall Lawyer Blog Published by Miller Zois , LLC Home Website Practice Areas Contact Us Home Drugs Actos Claims Consolidated Previous Home Next Posted On : January 25, 2012 by Ronald V . Miller , Jr . Actos Claims Consolidated Share The MDL Panel has agreed with Actos bladder cancers lawyers that all federal Actos claims should be consolidated in an MDL . You can find more information here here http : 2012 01 actos_bladder_cancer_lawsuits.html Posted by Ronald V . Miller , . Jr Permalink Email This Post Posted In : Drugs Previous Home Next Topics Blogs Children Drug Companies Abbott AstraZeneca Bayer Eli Lilly GlaxoSmithKline Johnson Johnson Merck . Co Pfizer Wyeth Drug Warnings Drugs Avandia Byetta Chantix Denture Cream Fentanyl Pain Patch Fosamax
In his recent commentary, Merill Goozner of the Fiscal Times looks at the affordability of cancer medicines. Goozner rightly points out that the biopharmaceutical industry is continuing to invest heavily in new treatments for this disease. However, access to treatment for chronic conditions such as cancer is a complex issue and the commentary fails to tell the entire story.
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Skip to navigation Skip to content Jump to Navigation Swiss pharmaceutical issues recall on mixed-up drugs On behalf of Tracey Law Firm posted in Products Liability 25 January 2012 Swiss pharmaceutical Novartis recently recalled 1,645 lots of over-the-counter medications that may be mixed with powerful painkillers such as Percocet , Endocet , Opana and Zydone . These powerful medications were apparently mixed with products like Gas-X , Buffering , NoDoz and . Excedrin Novarta has said it isn't aware of any confirmed cases of product mix-ups or any cases where patients have been injured , but it isn't out of the woods yet . The pharmaceutical is recalling the over-the-counter products , but not the painkillers , as the possibility of mix-up and the danger of finding a stray pill is . low
As I’e mentioned before, mixed methodologies is an instant triple shot of espresso for me – I love the way humanities can influence the sciences, and the other way around.
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President Obama's State of the Union address and its focus on jobs comes at a time when America's biopharmaceutical research sector is developing nearly 3,000 medicines and bringing new treatment options to patients in need today -- all while supporting high-value jobs. Remarkable innovation is underway. Good American jobs are being created. But this progress can't continue if policies don't embrace the work (see PhRMA President John Castellani’ statement on Tuesday night’ SOTU).
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Like millions of other Americans, I'll be watching the president and Governor Daniels offer their ideas for helping to address our country’ biggest challenges. As we eagerly anticipate the speeches, I will be especially focused on the framework they present for the future of high-quality health care and, specifically, how sound public policies can strengthen our collective ability to fight disease and keep Americans healthy.
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A recent editorial in the Cherokee Chronicle Times highlights the importance of new medicines for patients. Innovative prescription medicines and treatments are saving lives and giving patients the opportunity for a healthier future. However, success requires immense resources — the best scientific minds, highly sophisticated technology and complex project management. It also takes persistence and, sometimes, luck. Ultimately, though, the process of drug discovery brings hope and relief to millions of patients.
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[Kaiser] The head of the NIH National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), which funded "two projects that created a highly pathogenic [H5N1] flu virus mutation, has welcomed a two-month moratorium on further research while defending the value and safety of the experiments," the Financial Times ...
Skip to navigation Skip to content Jump to Navigation Merck settles Canadian suits over Vioxx On behalf of Tracey Law Firm posted in Dangerous Drugs 23 January 2012 The pharmaceutical Merck announced last Thursday that it had reached a deal to settle hundreds of Canadian lawsuits connected to the painkiller Vioxx . According to sources , the settlement will be at least 21.6 million , and may rise to as much as 36.5 million . The agreement is apparently still awaiting approval by Canadian . courts Merck took Vioxx off the market back in September of 2004 after the company's research found the drug doubled patient's risk of heart of attack , stroke and death . The move caused the company's stock to drop and brought on a multitude of lawsuits in both the United States and other countries .
[The Body] There's a new drug trade in town: selling HIV medications. In Washington Heights, a Manhattan neighborhood, officials are seeing a growing number of HIV-positive individuals selling their meds. This growing trend of trading health for much-needed cash isn't new, but it illuminates how a crippling economy and disproportionate poverty ...
[theGuardian] Hopes of controlling malaria in Africa could be wrecked by criminals who are circulating counterfeit and substandard drugs, threatening millions of lives, scientists are warning.
They are calling for public health authorities to take urgent action to preserve the efficacy of the anti-malarials now being used in the worst-hit areas ...
Drug Recall Lawyer Blog Published by Miller Zois , LLC Home Website Practice Areas Contact Us Home FDA Voluntary Recalls Recall of Vagifresh Ball and Vagifresh Gel Previous Home Next Posted On : January 20, 2012 by Ronald V . Miller , Jr . Recall of Vagifresh Ball and Vagifresh Gel Share The FDA has announced today the recall of Vagifresh Ball and Vagifresh Gel An analysis by the FDA has found that Vagifresh Gel contains benzocaine , an active ingredient for many anesthetic drug products . An analysis of Vagifresh Ball found the product to contain bacteria including Staphylococcus lentus S . sciuri Bacillus Lantus Alloiococcus otitis Aerococcus viridans Aeromonas salmonicid Gemella spp and Leuconostoc spp The FDA has further determined that marketing material for these products contained
A child born today can expect to live 30 years longer than a child born a century ago; that difference represents practically my entire life. Children may not realize the incredible progress that has been made, but their parents will. We all laugh at the, 'when I was your age, I had to walk 3 miles up hill in the snow with no shoes' comparisons, but things have changed. It’ evident in technology and the way we communicate via email and text messages, but it has also happened when it comes to medicines for children.
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: Drug Recall Lawyer Blog Published by Miller Zois , LLC Home Website Practice Areas Contact Us Home Chantix Pfizer Chantix Lawsuits : What Can Plaintiffs' Lawyer Prove Previous Home Next Posted On : January 20, 2012 by Ronald V . Miller , Jr . Chantix Lawsuits : What Can Plaintiffs' Lawyer Prove Share Chantix is mad science messing with the brain You and Dawson , you both live in the same dreamworld It doesn't matter what I believe . It only matters what I can prove So don't tell me what I know , or don't know I know the LAW Lt . Daniel Kaffee , that crazy kid , was on to something here . You can apply Kaffee's logic to Chantix . Chantix is always on the FDA adverse event reports leaderboard , both in terms of breadth and quantity . Where there is smoke , there is usually fire . Not
Matt Herper’s Forbes post yesterday highlights an issue we’e been in an uproar over for years now: the quickly growing problem of the antibiotics pipeline. Bacteria are evolving faster than companies can bring new antibiotics to market, which leads to problems like upticks in MRSA infections and other superbugs.
I’ a little bit obsessed with layman’ astronomy – I downloaded NASA’ phone app within hours of getting my new Smartphone and excitedly check the news for Higgs-Boson updates. The geek in me gets a toe-tingle when unrelated fields of research interact with one another and they renovate each other’ thinking; this TEDx talk about interactions between astronomers and neurologists is a fascinating example.
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, , Skip to navigation Skip to content Jump to Navigation Second opinion can result in significantly different treatment , diagnosis , P.2 On behalf of Tracey Law Firm posted in Medical Malpractice 19 January 2012 In our previous post , we began looking at the issue of diagnostic errors and the importance of getting a second opinion when serious conditions are involved . As we noted , evidence is growing that doing so can often result in significant changes in diagnosis or treatment . Knowing what you are dealing with is critical when fighting for your . health Misdiagnoses can come about for a number of different reasons . Sometimes it is simply a matter of pathologists and radiologists misreading slides and scans or failing to make use of the latest tests or technology . Sometimes
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[The New York Times]To head off medical conflicts of interest, the Obama administration is poised to require drug companies to disclose the payments they make to doctors for research, consulting, speaking, travel and entertainment.
Many researchers have found evidence that such payments can influence doctors’ treatment decisions and contribute to higher ...
, , Skip to navigation Skip to content Jump to Navigation Second opinion can result in significantly different treatment , diagnosis , P.1 On behalf of Tracey Law Firm posted in Medical Malpractice 17 January 2012 According to a recent Wall Street Journal article , there is growing evidence that patients who obtain second opinions can lead to significant changes in a diagnosis or in recommendations for treating a disease . That is particularly the case when a diagnosis has been based on radiology images or pathology slides from . biopsies The fact is that some diseases are very difficult to diagnose correctly and test results can be inconclusive or inaccurate . About one in 10 mammograms , for example , results in a false positive . Diagnostic testing often leaves ample room for
Skip to navigation Skip to content Jump to Navigation Is an upcoming drug a dangerous one On behalf of Tracey Law Firm posted in Dangerous Drugs 14 January 2012 The painkiller Vicodin has proven to be a very addictive drug to many . Drug-makers are now working on a similar product said to be 10 times as powerful as Vicodin and some are considering it a dangerous drug Four different drug companies are working on developing this highly powerful painkiller , which contains pure hydrocodone , a pain-killing substance that is known to be incredibly addictive . Currently , consumers cannot legally buy pure hydrocodone unless it is mixed with other non-addictive painkillers . Hydrocodone is actually the second-most abused drug in the United States behind . oxycodone This has experts worried about
This morning, I was speaking with fellow blog contributor Jeff Trewhitt – who himself credits a medicine with saving his life when he was diagnosed with a very rare cancer – about how the biopharmaceutical sector is seen as not being innovative anymore.
As Jeff pointed out, that view is wrong – in reality, companies are more innovative than ever before.
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Skip to navigation Skip to content Jump to Navigation Parents sue after son dies from using defective drug On behalf of Tracey Law Firm posted in Products Liability 13 January 2012 Health giant Johnson Johnson is in the crosshairs of a recent lawsuit for allegedly not pulling a dangerous product off the shelves quick enough . A couple in Washington claimed that their son took a defective drug produced by the New Jersey-based company , and died as a . result In the summer of 2010, the 2-year-old boy took strawberry-flavored liquid Children's Tylenol to help battle a mild fever . Not even an hour later , the boy was brought to the hospital because he was spitting up blood . He died the next day , and doctors determined that his death was a result of liver damage sustained at the hands of the
Drug Recall Lawyer Blog Published by Miller Zois , LLC Home Website Practice Areas Contact Us Home Drugs December 2011 Medication Label Changes Previous Home Next Posted On : January 13, 2012 by Ronald V . Miller , Jr . December 2011 Medication Label Changes Share Last month brought changes to forty 40 medical product labels down from 48 changes in November with changes to the prescribing information to include any of the following areas : boxed warnings , contraindications , warnings , precautions , adverse reactions , patient package insert , and medication . guide For a complete detailed accounting of the label changes , please refer to the summary of meds . By clicking onto the drug name , you will be able to view the detailed summary , which will identify the safety labeling section
Drug Recall Lawyer Blog Published by Miller Zois , LLC Home Website Practice Areas Contact Us Home Drug Warnings Statins May Increase the Chance of Diabetes in Women Previous Home Next Posted On : January 11, 2012 by Ronald V . Miller , Jr . Statins May Increase the Chance of Diabetes in Women Share A recent study has found that there is new evidence that statins could increase women’s risk factor for type 2 . diabetes Statins , often called wonder drugs , are medicines taken to lower cholesterol levels . Zocor , Lipitor , and Crestor are the most popular of these medications that reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke . Tens of millions of Americans take these medications , but a recent study that followed more than 150,000 women over the age of 50, with and without heart disease ,
Story from PBA originally posted today here where you can also listen to the radio interview. ATLANTA, GA (WABE) – In recent years, doctors have come under increased scrutiny about the money they receive from drug companies. Medical schools across the state are now taking steps to better police these relationships in order to [...]
Drug Recall Lawyer Blog Published by Miller Zois , LLC Home Website Practice Areas Contact Us Home Drugs Opiate Recall Previous Home Next Posted On : January 9, 2012 by Ronald V . Miller , Jr . Opiate Recall Share The FDA Safety Information and Adverse Event and Reporting Program is advising healthcare professionals and patients of a potential problem with opiate products manufactured and packaged for Endo Pharmaceuticals by Novartis Consumer . Health Due to problems that occurred when certain products were packaged and labeled at their Lincoln , Nebraska site , tablets from one product may have carried over into packaging of another product , resulting in the possibility of a stray pill of one medicine being placed in the bottle of another product . This is being done as a precuationary
Drug Recall Lawyer Blog Published by Miller Zois , LLC Home Website Practice Areas Contact Us Home Drugs Nationwide Recall of Certain OTC Products Previous Home Next Posted On : January 9, 2012 by Ronald V . Miller , Jr . Nationwide Recall of Certain OTC Products Share Novartis Consumer Health , Inc NCH has announced the recall of all lots of select bottle packaging configurations of Excedrin and NoDoz products with expiration dates of December 20, 2014 or earlier , as well as Bufferin and Gas-X Prevention products with expiration dates of December 20, 2013 or earlier . The recall is being made as a precautionary measure because the products may contain stray tablets , capsules , or caplets from other Novartis products , or contain broken or chipped tablets . These over-the-counter
Skip to navigation Skip to content Jump to Navigation Drug company faces multiple lawsuits On behalf of Tracey Law Firm posted in Dangerous Drugs 07 January 2012 The judicial panel in a Louisiana federal court recently announced the consolidation of two dangerous drug lawsuits against Eli Lilly Co . and Takeda Pharmaceutical . Co Both lawsuits accuse the diabetes drug known as Actos of causing bladder cancer or increasing the risk of bladder cancer . In addition , the suits say information about the risks was withheld and warnings were not provided by Eli Lilly and . Takeda According to a lawyer from New York who is representing the drug's former users , thousands of individuals have inquired about filing . lawsuits The risks of Actos were discovered back in June by a study sponsored by
Skip to navigation Skip to content Jump to Navigation Drug facility faces scrutiny On behalf of Tracey Law Firm posted in Dangerous Drugs 06 January 2012 According to a new inspection report by the U.S . Food and Drug Administration , multiple problems have been discovered at the Ben Venue Laboratories Inc . facility , which produces the cancer medication known as . Doxil The issues are serious enough that they could produce a defective drug due to the lack of investigations of defective batches and from the lack of equipment maintenance . There has also apparently been a lack of follow-up procedure and failure to follow even standard procedures in manufacture of the . drug Air sample monitoring has been incorrect , due to the facility not identifying their sources , and staff failed to